Entrance Criteria
- Must be 18 years of age or older.
- Must benefit from services offered, based upon Individual Program Plan (IPP) objectives and long-term goals.
- Must possess physical tolerance to sustain a six-to-nine-hour five-day-a-week work program (Monday-Friday).
- Must meet eligibility requirements set by the Frank D. Lanterman Regional Center, and agree to participate in the program.
- Must be able to administer own medication during work hours, if necessary.
- FUCIS is not licensed to work with clients with restricted health conditions.
- All participants must be ambulatory
- Program participants must be able to function with the health and safety requirements of the California Code of Regulations (CCR), Title 22.
With the ultimate intention, which is to assist the participant in obtaining paid employment, the duration (contract period) of the FUCIS employment program will be based upon the individual’s abilities, progress, and potential employment opportunities. The expected program outcomes can be determined during the initial intake assessment.
Upon Enrollment
- When a participant has been accepted into our program, the Outreach Coordinator will work in conjunction with the Regional Center to coordinate placement services, areas of support, authorization of services, and transportation arrangements.
- All clients will be part of an initial interview via home visits or FUCIS location, which will consist of: a Discovery questionnaire, reviewing intake paperwork information, determining functional capabilities, and collaborating with the Interdisciplinary team.
- A medical assessment must be submitted prior to admission to include a current Tuberculosis (TB) test within one year of enrollment.
It is the policy of FUCIS to have standard procedures to govern the admissions of individuals for services provided by FUCIS. FUCIS will comply with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Participants shall not be denied services based on grounds of gender, race, creed, color, age, disability, religion, sex, sexual orientation, or national origin.
After Enrollment
All consumers and significant others will participate in an initial interview and agree to support the consumer’s goal developed through the Person-Centered-Plan.
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More Services
- Human Resources
- Employment Opportunities
- How To Apply For A Job
- Prospective Employees
- Personnel Policies & Procedures Manual
- Benefits
- Job Descriptions & Job Interests Cards
- Compensation Schedules
- Memoranda Of Understanding
- Current Employees
- 2020 Health Benefits Open Enrollment
- Current Employee Portal
(Suggestion Box)